Intervju med Thomas Dekker

Dekker-Daily: What compelled you to take on a new approach to music with 0×0?

When I started releasing music I had personally created in the genre I continue to be intrigued by, it struck me how nearly impossible it would be to continue presenting the ideas and experimentation I desired while working as a solo artist under my own personal name as I am more widely known for my acting efforts. I think audiences are more aggressively negative and closed off to uncategorized surprise or artists dabbling in opposing versatility than ever. So it struck me that people either need a complete stereotypical box to place an artist in, or a complete mystery that perplexes them to a point of fascination as opposed to clear cut knowledge in order to embrace a surprising or “new” twist on an individual they enjoy categorizing. 0 x 0 presented that opportunity. And this opinion of subverting the current conventions of artistic categorization is what the collective is all about. We are not just music or a record. The collective includes designers, actors, cinematographers, graphic designers, photographers, musicians and painters, all working toward the same pop culture comment: free yourself of categorization.

: Are you planning on releasing music via itunes, etc? physical disc? If so when?

Our debut record, “Equals Zer0″ is complete and is planned for digital and physical release by the end of this year. We have not yet slated the specific date as we are first focusing on touring, presentations in art galleries and the release of other elements involved with the project: videos, photo art, performance art, fashion.

: What music, aside from Bjork of course! Really excites you right now? Trends, artists?

There are a lot of exciting things going on in music right now. A lot more than in recent years I feel. There seems to be a wonderful, albeit very delayed crossover between talented artists and mainstream interest taking place. Artists like Florence and the Machine, Gotye, Lana Del Rey, Skrillex, Bon Iver, Lady Gaga, Justice, Foster the People, etc. These are bands or artists with a singular sound and message who pay attention to technical detail that feels natural and personal, AND they are being embraced by radio, internet publicity, venues and audiences alike. I feel this is something the music industry has really been lacking for a long time now. Obviously I still have my greatest passions for the little artists or bands that twelve people know about, but overall, these artists appear far less packaged or born as some kind of chemistry experiment by a record label for profit gain than many I have seen at the forefront of record sales in a long while. And in a funny, almost opposite direction, 0 x 0 is also a response to this. We’ve noticed that the avant garde is almost becoming mandatory or “comfortable” in the current music scene, and avant garde should always bring a strain of fear, surprise or the unknown with it. Avant garde is not the act of being bizarre for the sake of selling pop records: yes, Nicki Minaj, we are talking to you. It should be intoxicating with a focused point that’s thought provoking. So our directional question is how can we take the newly public affection for musical modernity and turn it upside down on its head all over again. We feel this is how music has and always will continue to progress.

: Can you tell us more about Squatters?

Squatters is a beautiful script with a visually visionary director. The moment I read the script, I decided no one else was going to take the role of Jonas away from me. This a very rare and very exciting feeling for me. There have only been a handful of roles I have played that I was insanely determined to acquire: Lance Loud (Cinema Verite), Ethan Denton (Angels Crest), Smith (Kaboom!), and this role was one of them. The character is smart, sensitive, mature, immature, reactionary and caring all at the same time and I am holding my breath to start filming a real challenge of a character again. It also takes place in the world of homeless youth in Los Angeles, which for both my film Whore and my screenplay The Walk of Fame, I had studied and emersed myself in for years. So I feel very comfortable embodying an individual in that landscape.

: Any other film plans while on a break from TSC?

Before I start filming Squatters in June, I am currently filming another movie that has a fantastic script and directing team. The film is called Snap, directed by Youssef Delara and Victor Teran. I have to be very delicate when talking about my character as he is full of surprises, but I will definitely say it has been a challenge, as I have never played a character so cruel or manipulative. Let’s just say he’s a nasty piece of work. I am acting opposite Jake Hoffman, Nikki Reed, Scott Bakula, Jason Priestly and many other talents which has been an added honor. The film takes place in the world of underground dub step, which as an electronic musician, was an instant connection for me. Hopefully I will get to create some tracks for the film which is becoming a bit of a recurring theme with the movie work I’ve been doing as of late.

: Film recommendations? Cabin in the Woods? Others?

My favorite films I have seen recently would be Cabin in the Woods, We Need to Talk About Kevin (a highly unappreciated performance by Ezra Miller), Melancholia, The Innkeepers, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, Whoever Says the Truth Shall Die (great documentary about film maker Pier Paulo Pasolini), The Muppets, Laurence Anyways..
ahhh I can’t think of any more!!

: Was the GoT reference your idea? A little shout-out to your “mom” Lena?

I have to give full credit to our head writer Andrew Miller for that one! He’s a big Game of Thrones fan and he consciously put that line in as a reference to me and my TV mom.

: Are we getting the new Adam from now on?

Hmm, hard to say. It’s very difficult to answer TSC/Adam questions about future endeavors because I’ve never done a job where I’m kept so in the dark about future developments. Not since Heroes at least. I have no idea where the character is going to go…but I would hope he gets a little darker. Or I should say…I hope he turns evil. Haha.

: Excited for the finale?

The finale brings a fantastic cliff hanger with it. A new plot development/direction for the whole circle which is very exciting. I feel our first season has been good, but merely a good setup for a great season two.

: Any news on Season Two?

Nothing to report yet, but I have a strong feeling we will be back performing spells in the rain of Vancouver.

: What do you make a point of watching religiously? (Modern Family still?)

I don’t know what happened to me last year, maybe it was the isolation of being away from home, but I have suddenly become a bit of a TV junkie. I never used to watch TV and now I am hooked on a lot of shows. In no particular order, my extremely close watched list is as follows:

Parks and Recreation
(hands down, best non animated comedy on TV in my opinion. It has taken my number one comedy spot of Modern Family, even though it took me a long time to get into it. Give it a strong chance if you don’t watch it and start at the beginning. You grow to love the characters so much.)

American Horror Story
(might be my newly favorite TV show of all time)

Modern Family
(still love you baby!)

South Park
(did anyone see the new episode “Butterballs”? proof that it is still the most genius satire around)

Face Off
(favorite reality competition on the air. it’s project runway for special effects make up designers. what’s not to love?)

Saturday Night Live
(they have been at the top of their game for a few seasons now, and they have very rarely disappointed me this season)

Game of Thrones
(“power is power”!)

What Would You Do?
(thought provoking Dateline documentary series is always surprising. Plus the actors they hire for their simulated situations are always hilarious. Gotta love em.)


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