Chris och Phoebe svarar på fansens frågor


Q: How would you describe the relationship between Faye and Jake? They seem to be on-again/off-again week to week.

A: Faye and Jake are the two people in the Circle who know one another the best, and even when the rest of the Circle isn’t particularly happy with one of them the other will always have their back. If anyone is written in the stars in my eyes it’s these two.

Q: What do you like most about the character you play?

A: Jake will do ANYTHING to protect the Circle, even if that means going behind their backs to protect them. Psychologically, as well as physically.

Q: Would you dare use a love potion?!

A: I don’t think I would. Love should come from an honest place, where both parties have the same organic feeling about the other.

Q: What has been the hardest scene to film so far?

A: I truly believe that if you work hard enough on your character, and you love what you do, then there is no such thing as a hard scene.

Q: If you could play any character in The Secret Circle other than your own, which character would it be?

A: I like Jake just fine. To be quite honest everyone else does such a great job portraying their characters I couldn’t see ANYONE else playing their parts. They’ve truly made them their own.

Q: If you were a witch in real life, what would be the first thing you’d do with your power?

A: Make a spell for The Secret Circle to be picked up for Season 2!

Q: Did any of you know anything about Wicca prior to being cast for the show?

A: I think everyone kind of did a bit of research on the topic, but real-life Wicca and the Wicca that is suitable for our demographic are a bit different.


Q: We really liked you in the movie Tomorrow When the War Began and we want to know, which character do you relate more to? Faye or Fiona?

A: I relate to Fi more than Faye, in fact a few of the lines that I said in the movie were taken from experiences I had in high school that I felt were similar to the feelings that Fi was feeling about being insecure. Faye is very far from who I am, I am never malicious although I can be a bit sarcastic like her.

Q: Do you like acting with an American accent? Can you switch back and forth throughout the day, or do you need to stay in the American accent while filming?

A: I switch back to Australian when the director calls cut, but it’s a bit of a hybrid. I pronounce some letters stronger than I would if I was speaking with an Australian accent, like the ‘r’ sound.

Q: What do you like most about the character you play?

A: I like playing a character so different from myself, it’s also fun to be mean to Britt who plays Cassie, because in real life we’re actually really close friends.

Q: Would you dare use a love potion?!

A: My best friends and I actually made a love spell when we were 15. I’m still waiting to see if it worked or not…

Q: What has been the hardest scene to film so far?

A: The rain scene in the pilot was hard, only because it was so cold that night, and we filmed until about 7am in the morning, in a tiny little dress.

Q: Did any of you know anything about Wicca prior to being cast for the show?

A: I bought a book written by Fiona Horne who is Wiccan. I find that world very fascinating. I study a lot about crystals and crystal therapy, which isn’t too far off. The general belief is that there is a greater energy in this world which comes from nature, something I believe in.

1x22 Family - bilder

Bilderna är till avsnittet "Family" (s01e22) alltså sista avsnittet av säsongen:/ Men vi får hålla tummarna för en till säsong! Meddelar så fort jag vet säkert om det blir en säsong 2!

Chris Zylka berättar om varför kärlek ska vara så organisk och den hemliga förtrollningen han önskar att han kunde kasta

Q: How would you describe the relationship between Faye and Jake? They seem to be on-again/off-again week to week.

A: Faye and Jake are the two people in the Circle who know one another the best, and even when the rest of the Circle isn’t particularly happy with one of them the other will always have their back. If anyone is written in the stars in my eyes it’s these two.

Q: What do you like most about the character you play?

A: Jake will do ANYTHING to protect the Circle, even if that means going behind their backs to protect them. Psychologically, as well as physically.

Q: Would you dare use a love potion?!

A: I don’t think I would. Love should come from an honest place, where both parties have the same organic feeling about the other.

Q: What has been the hardest scene to film so far?

A: I truly believe that if you work hard enough on your character, and you love what you do, then there is no such thing as a hard scene. (more…)


Intervju med shelley hennig

Phoebe gästade...

Phoebe gästade talkshowen Late Night med Craig Ferguson. (igår). Det var hennes första talkshow!

Längre trailer till avsnittet Prom (s01e21)

Britt firade sin födelsedag med ....

Britt(Cassie) fyllde ju 22 år för några dagar sen , hon firade med sina kollegor Shelley, Phoebe & Jessica!

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Chris och Phoebe svarar på fansens frågor


Q: How would you describe the relationship between Faye and Jake? They seem to be on-again/off-again week to week.

A: Faye and Jake are the two people in the Circle who know one another the best, and even when the rest of the Circle isn’t particularly happy with one of them the other will always have their back. If anyone is written in the stars in my eyes it’s these two.

Q: What do you like most about the character you play?

A: Jake will do ANYTHING to protect the Circle, even if that means going behind their backs to protect them. Psychologically, as well as physically.

Q: Would you dare use a love potion?!

A: I don’t think I would. Love should come from an honest place, where both parties have the same organic feeling about the other.

Q: What has been the hardest scene to film so far?

A: I truly believe that if you work hard enough on your character, and you love what you do, then there is no such thing as a hard scene.

Q: If you could play any character in The Secret Circle other than your own, which character would it be?

A: I like Jake just fine. To be quite honest everyone else does such a great job portraying their characters I couldn’t see ANYONE else playing their parts. They’ve truly made them their own.

Q: If you were a witch in real life, what would be the first thing you’d do with your power?

A: Make a spell for The Secret Circle to be picked up for Season 2!

Q: Did any of you know anything about Wicca prior to being cast for the show?

A: I think everyone kind of did a bit of research on the topic, but real-life Wicca and the Wicca that is suitable for our demographic are a bit different.


Q: We really liked you in the movie Tomorrow When the War Began and we want to know, which character do you relate more to? Faye or Fiona?

A: I relate to Fi more than Faye, in fact a few of the lines that I said in the movie were taken from experiences I had in high school that I felt were similar to the feelings that Fi was feeling about being insecure. Faye is very far from who I am, I am never malicious although I can be a bit sarcastic like her.

Q: Do you like acting with an American accent? Can you switch back and forth throughout the day, or do you need to stay in the American accent while filming?

A: I switch back to Australian when the director calls cut, but it’s a bit of a hybrid. I pronounce some letters stronger than I would if I was speaking with an Australian accent, like the ‘r’ sound.

Q: What do you like most about the character you play?

A: I like playing a character so different from myself, it’s also fun to be mean to Britt who plays Cassie, because in real life we’re actually really close friends.

Q: Would you dare use a love potion?!

A: My best friends and I actually made a love spell when we were 15. I’m still waiting to see if it worked or not…

Q: What has been the hardest scene to film so far?

A: The rain scene in the pilot was hard, only because it was so cold that night, and we filmed until about 7am in the morning, in a tiny little dress.

Q: Did any of you know anything about Wicca prior to being cast for the show?

A: I bought a book written by Fiona Horne who is Wiccan. I find that world very fascinating. I study a lot about crystals and crystal therapy, which isn’t too far off. The general belief is that there is a greater energy in this world which comes from nature, something I believe in.

1x22 Family - bilder

Bilderna är till avsnittet "Family" (s01e22) alltså sista avsnittet av säsongen:/ Men vi får hålla tummarna för en till säsong! Meddelar så fort jag vet säkert om det blir en säsong 2!

Chris Zylka berättar om varför kärlek ska vara så organisk och den hemliga förtrollningen han önskar att han kunde kasta

Q: How would you describe the relationship between Faye and Jake? They seem to be on-again/off-again week to week.

A: Faye and Jake are the two people in the Circle who know one another the best, and even when the rest of the Circle isn’t particularly happy with one of them the other will always have their back. If anyone is written in the stars in my eyes it’s these two.

Q: What do you like most about the character you play?

A: Jake will do ANYTHING to protect the Circle, even if that means going behind their backs to protect them. Psychologically, as well as physically.

Q: Would you dare use a love potion?!

A: I don’t think I would. Love should come from an honest place, where both parties have the same organic feeling about the other.

Q: What has been the hardest scene to film so far?

A: I truly believe that if you work hard enough on your character, and you love what you do, then there is no such thing as a hard scene. (more…)


Intervju med shelley hennig

Phoebe gästade...

Phoebe gästade talkshowen Late Night med Craig Ferguson. (igår). Det var hennes första talkshow!

Längre trailer till avsnittet Prom (s01e21)

Britt firade sin födelsedag med ....

Britt(Cassie) fyllde ju 22 år för några dagar sen , hon firade med sina kollegor Shelley, Phoebe & Jessica!

Inervju med Shelley

Zap2it tog sig ett snack med Shelley, läs intervjun nedan.

If you don't count little things like burning people alive and drowning teenage boys, "The Secret Circle's" Charles Meade has actually been a pretty good dad to daughter Diana.

All kidding aside, Diana (Shelley Hennig) and Charles (Gale Harold) are relatively close, probably because her mother died when Diana was just a baby. So it's only natural that when faced with the proof that Charles is not, in fact, her biological father, Diana would retreat into a safe bubble of denial -- at least, until she's forced to ask Charles some tough questions.

"I don't think Diana believes it yet," Shelley tells us. "Cassie told her, but the real answer is going to come from Charles, or at least, that's what Diana is hoping. She's going to confront Charles and see what information she can get. This is the father that she grew up with, so if it's true, everything she's ever known has been a lie."

Shelley admits that she was just as surprised as Diana was to discover that she was the secret Blackwell child -- particularly because everyone in the cast was hoping it was their character.

tsc-diana-grant.jpg"I didn't see it coming, honestly," she says. "I found out the night before we started shooting the episode. I was shocked, but what made sense was that it explains Diana's connection with Cassie, the fact that Diana went to Cassie right after she and Adam broke up, even though Cassie was the one who got in the way. I think it just explains her love for Cassie and how connected she's been with her since she came into Chance Harbor."

When you're a little girl, finding out that your best friend is actually your sister is an adorable pipe dream. But when it actually happens, it's far more complicated and unpleasant. In this case, Diana has been looking for some distance from the Circle, and her Balcoin blood is going to yank her right back into the middle of it.

"It's probably not as sweet as 'Oh my god, we're sisters! Yay!' because it changes a lot for Diana. It means Charles isn't her father, if it's true, and so Diana's really not in a good place, because now, what does she have left? Everything she's ever thought was her life isn't, and now on top of that, she's got dark magic -- and that's the last thing Diana wants."

Before Cassie came to town, Diana was the leader of the Circle, but she's taken a backseat over the last few months as Cassie has grown more powerful and more headstrong. Now, Diana's taking charge again.

"Cassie needs Diana to get things done, because Diana has the power that Cassie has. Now, when Cassie calls Diana and says, 'I need you,' Diana has more of a leg up," Shelley reveals. "Now she can say, 'Okay, if I help you, it's going to be on my terms. I'm not going to do it the way you want to do it. We've done that in the past and look where it's gotten us.'"


When her hot yacht guy Grant comes back into the picture, Diana is looking for a way out of her witchy world. "All she wants is a normal life and Grant seems to be the answer to that, especially if Charles isn't really her father," Shelley says. "Once she finds out what Charles and Dawn have been up to, I'd imagine that Diana wouldn't want to have anything to do with anyone except for Grant. Who else is there?"

Dålig uppdatering

Ber om ursäkt för den dåliga uppdateringen, har tränat rätt mycket denna vecka och har då inte haft någon ork till bloggandet! Men nu kör vi igen.

Ni vet väll att det nya avsnittet "Traitor" kom ut inatt?
Här har ni trailern till nästa avsnitt "Prom" (1x20).


Phoebe har lagt upp en bild på sig och sin lilla hund Bailey med texten: Baileys first photoshoot

Sista avsnittet - Family

Den 10 maj sänds det sista avsnittet av säsong 1, avsnittet har fått namnet - "Family" och vi kan nu se handlingen till avsnittet men tänk på att det är spoilers!

CASSIE AND DIANA UNLEASH THEIR DARK MAGIC, CHARLES AND DAWN GET A SHOT AT RESTORING THEIR POWERS AND FAYE FIGHTS FOR HER LIFE IN THIS JAW-DROPPNG SEASON FINALE — After Faye (Phoebe Tonkin) is attacked by the Witch Hunters, Jake (Chris Zylka), Melissa (Jessica Parker Kennedy) and Adam (Thomas Dekker) set out to save her. Blackwell (guest star Joe Lando) tells Cassie (Britt Robertson) and Diana (Shelley Hennig) that the only way to stop the Witch Hunters is to use their Balcoin blood to unleash the Crystal Skull. Diana is reluctant, but Cassie convinces her it’s the only way to help their friend, but she’ll need to tap into her dark magic to do it. Meanwhile, Dawn (Natasha Henstridge) and Charles (Gale Harold) are faced with a new way to get their power back…but at a very big cost. Dave Barrett directed the episode written by Andrew Miller & Andrea Newman (#122).

Lite om finalen

Anything good on the Secret Circle finale?
While I hate to see this show go on hiatus, I’m smelling a big cliffhanger… — Emma
Then that’s a good nose you have! Because Gale Harold told me that’s exactly what’s in store. But it sounds like it has more layers than a Super Bowl dip. “It’s not a straightforward cliffhanger,” he says. “It’s loaded with confusion. It’s loaded with overlaps. Everything is getting twisted inside of itself. These people are getting drawn outside of the physical realm of reality [in terms of their magic] and at the same time, they have to deal with each other every day [as normal people]. So I think that’s going to be the nature of the finale.” Also, Emma, what, pray tell, does a cliffhanger smell like exactly? Wait, nevermind. I probably don’t want to know.

Shelley och Thomas svarar på frågor

Thomas och Shelley har svarat på några frågor som fansen har frågat, (Inskickat till sidan Thedailyfig)

Louisiana-born beauty-queen-turned-actress Shelley Hennig plays Diana Meade, the ringleader of the witches’ Circle. Before TSC, she played Stephanie Johnson on Days of Our Lives.

Q: What do you like most about the character you play on the show?

A: I love that my character is the grounding force of the show because it puts me in the center of the ring with each member of the Circle. It’s a fun place to be (for me, not Diana!) because of all the tension it creates with my other witches!

Q: Would you dare use a love potion?!

A: Would I use a love potion? Only If my lover got amnesia or something!

Q: What has been the hardest scene to film so far?

A: The group scenes of the six Circle members are the hardest to film. When you put Thomas, Britt, Phoebe, Jessica, Chris, and myself together we all become five years old. Our latest thing: we laugh when someone messes up a line because Thomas has pointed out and done an impression of how we each react when that happens. So it’s Thomas’s fault! ;)

Q: If you could play any character in The Secret Circle other than your own, which character would it be?

A: I’d want to play Dawn. She’s got it all figured out. Especially men!

Q: If you were a witch in real life, what would be the first thing you’d do with your power?

A: Just the other day I asked Britt if she really did have powers which would she choose: traveling back in time or into the future? She chose the future–I chose the past. It’s something I really wish I could revisit here and there so I’d use my powers for that.

Q: What spell has been the most fun for you or your character to do on the show?

A: I can’t tell you which spell has been the most fun for me because it hasn’t aired yet! Top secret. Tune in, you’ll know it when you see it.

Thomas Dekker has been acting since he was five, appearing on everything from
Seinfeld to Heroes to 7th Heaven, and as John Connor in Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles. On The Secret Circle, he plays Adam Conant, a natural-born witch and Diana’s ex-boyfriend, who is struggling with his feelings for Cassie, the newest member of the Circle.

Q: What do you like most about the character you play?

A: I like the way Adam has become a pillar of strength and morality for the circle. Although at times it can make him seem a little stubborn or–worst of all–boring, I think his value of being a strong and genuinely good guy has really rooted the Circle’s tendency to be overly impulsive. And it’s nice for me as I’ve never had the opportunity to play a character who’s so balanced.

Q: Would you dare use a love potion?!

A: Never!! I read a lot of Tales from the Crypt comics as a kid. There are several stories where a guy uses a love potion to get the girl of his dreams and it always ends HORRIBLY. Like she dies and then won’t leave him alone even in zombie form or something. Scary, scary stuff. And as I’m naturally scared of clingy relationships to begin with, the whole idea just seems very risky.

Q: What has been the hardest scene to film so far?

A: To be honest, our hardest scenes are hardest not because of having to give an emotional or tiring performance as that is really fun, but it’s our weekly showdowns/finales. They always seem to be outside in the freezing rain of Vancouver and usually all night long. The whole finale sequence of “Sacrifice” was really unpleasant to shoot. Yeah, I’d probably go with that one. The most fun scene by far that I’ve ever shot was when I was possessed by the ghosts of the Nidaros coven in a church in the episode “Valentine.” What can I say? I love playing evil.

Q: If you could play any character in The Secret Circle other than your own, which character would it be?

A: Well, my dream is to be possessed by Dawn Chamberlain (Natasha Henstridge), purely because I’ve been such a fan of hers my whole life and it would be so weird to play. But I guess I would say . . . a tie between Callum (the drug–”Devil’s Spirit”–dealer) or John Blackwell. Blackwell is a layered and fantastic character.

Q: If you were a witch in real life, what would be the first thing you’d do with your power?

A: Find a spell that made me look as good as Chris Zylka without the hassle of his daily gym routine. Joking. I would find a spell that could teleport me where ever I wanted at any given time as I am petrified of flying on airplanes.

Q: Did any of you know anything about Wicca prior to being cast for the show?

A: It’s surprising you ask that as I believe I am the only one who dabbled quite heavily with Wicca in my early teens. I grew up very interested in other dimensions and spiritual balance so I bought a Wicca book when I was 14 and played with seances, divinity ideas, and the attempt to truly connect with nature. Might sound a bit hippy dippy, but I really liked the idea of connecting with all that lives around us and attempting to use it for self empowerment and feeling. But as with most belief structures, I also had issues staying with it and using it in my daily life so I haven’t played with any spells or rune work in a long while. I guess watching movies and girlfriends got in the way of spiritual discovery. Haha!

Chris & Lucy på Kat graham konsert

Chris(Jake) & Lucy (Ni kanske känner igen henne från serien Pretty little liars) var på en konsert som Kat Graham från the Vampire Diaries höll under invigningen av Chilli Beans Sunglasses affären i Century City, Los Angeles den 18 April.


Trailer till nästa veckas avsnitt "Traitor"

Andrew miller om nattens avsnitt

Producenten Andrew Miller ger oss en förhandstitt till nattens avsnitt "Crystal" !


Blir det en säsong 2?

Senast 17 maj måste THE CW ha bestämt om det blir en säsong 2 eller inte, jag skulle nästan tro att det blir en säsong till men jag vågar inte säga något för man vet ju aldrig vad som händer! Vi får helt enkelt hålla tummarna!!

Grattis Britt

                             Idag fyller Britt Robertson(Cassie) 22 år, stort GRATTIS!

Thomas dekker i en ny film

I början av Maj så kommer Thomas Dekker (Adam) att spela in en ny film vid namn Squatters. Ett nystartat filmbolag i USA är det som kommer producera filmen, Martin Weisz kommer att regissera filmen! Här har ni lite av handlingen till filmen:)

- Ett ungt hemlöst par flyttar in i en tom herrgård i Pacific Palisades när ägarna är på semester. När ägarna kommer hem tidigare än beräknat uppstår problem. -

Gabriella wilde kommer att vara med och jag skulle tro att det är Thomas och Gabriella som kommer spela det hemlösa paret!


Visste ni att..

Shelley Hennig som spelar Diana var Miss Teen USA år 2004! Som pris fick hon stipendium till "The New York Conservatory for Dramatic Arts", ett modell kontrakt, och även en gäst roll på serien Passions. Det är tack vare det hon är där hon är idag, och spelar Diana!

Övre bilden var Twittrad av Phoebe Tonkin(Faye)

The secret circle och the vampire diaries promo

// Nicoline

säsong 1 färdiginspelad!

Producenten Andrew Miller skrev tidigare under dagen på sin twitter att säsong 1 av the secret circle var färdiginspelad. Nu håller vi tummarna för en säsong 2!

Bilder till nästa avsnitt - Crystal

Det finns med bilder - > källa

// Nicoline

Nästa avsnitt - Crystal

På torsdag nästa vecka är äntligen uppehållet över, vi ser då avsnittet "Crystal" som är det 19 avsnittet av säsong 1!


To protect themselves from the witch hunters, Jake, Cassie and Faye seek out Jake's grandfather Royce, to find his family's crystal and are confronted with disturbing theories about the events of sixteen years ago. Meanwhile, Diana tries to balance her pursuit of the Glaser crystal with Melissa and Adam with her romantic life with Grant, who demands to know what she's hiding. At the same time, Callum attempts to re-insert himself into Melissa's life. Charles and Jane plot their move against Blackwell. Omar Madha directed the episode written by Micah Schraft.

// Nicoline

Hjälper linnea med uppdateringen!

Tänkte bara berätta lite snabbt om vem jag är, Ifall ni undrar:)
Nicoline heter jag, jag ska hjälpa Linnea med uppdateringen med denna blogg! Jag ska försöka uppdatera så mycket jag kan:)

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