Lite om finalen
Anything good on the Secret Circle finale?
While I hate to see this show go on hiatus, I’m smelling a big cliffhanger… — Emma
Then that’s a good nose you have! Because Gale Harold told me that’s exactly what’s in store. But it sounds like it has more layers than a Super Bowl dip. “It’s not a straightforward cliffhanger,” he says. “It’s loaded with confusion. It’s loaded with overlaps. Everything is getting twisted inside of itself. These people are getting drawn outside of the physical realm of reality [in terms of their magic] and at the same time, they have to deal with each other every day [as normal people]. So I think that’s going to be the nature of the finale.” Also, Emma, what, pray tell, does a cliffhanger smell like exactly? Wait, nevermind. I probably don’t want to know.